What people are saying

  • Roxane B.

    “I was diagnosed with CFS after a couple of years dealing with low and unpredictable energy levels. Mellissa listened to me, and she makes me feel heard and accepted. That I am not alone in the journey. She is very good at using imagery to explain concepts behind the CFS then the practical ways of how it affects my life. Love that! It’s not nebulous anymore. I can tell her my situation and emotions that I don’t understand but within minutes she can put it all into words that make me feel completely understood! A wealth of information and resources but it’s not overwhelming. She can gently yet firmly reorient me/correct me. If I am down on myself, she brings hope, if my expectations are unrealistic, she knows how to make me revaluate without pushing me or telling me what to do. She helped me with making practical steps toward realistic healthy choices to manage my CFS. She tells me why my brain works the way it does and puts it in practical, easy to understand language!”

  • Catherine C.

    “Mellissa is lovely to work with. She has a vast depth of knowledge on various therapies and techniques as well as wise advice on health matters related to ME/CFS, FM, and MCS.

    She has introduced me to IFS and Somatic/Body therapies which have greatly helped me with my PTSD/trauma and dissociation. She is very kind, intuitive, and creative in our sessions. She gently but firmly guides me through various practices. I have benefited so much from our time together. I feel very honoured and privileged to have worked with this amazing woman.”

  • Emily C.

    “Mellissa has literally changed my life. She came alongside me after I was diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses. She stayed with me as I sought treatment and helped me to advocate for myself. Meeting with her virtually throughout the pandemic was a life saver. She is professional, empathetic and extremely knowledgeable. The most impactful thing she did for my health was to help me get acquainted with my body in a new way. I learned to listen to my body’s cues, and to interact with different parts of myself in a way that is restful and restorative. The information she provides, while very intuitively driven, is factually based and she readily provided reliable information when I expressed hesitation or skepticism about different concepts. I have been working with her for over a year now and can honestly say that my life and my health has greatly improved because of her guidance. If you need an advocate, a coach, a mentor, or are simply looking for a way to invest in your healing, you won’t regret time spent with Mellissa.”