“Where attention goes, neural firing flows, and neural connection grows.”

-Daniel J. Siegel

General Book and Audiobook Recommendations

Here are a few books that really shaped my thinking on the area of trauma, connection to chronic health issues, self compassion, the need for internal safety and what “healing” really means. These range from easily readable to mid-level technical. Most of these are great to read or listen to on an audiobook. Quite a few of them would likely be available at your local library if you wish to check them out before a purchase. Enjoy!

More Book Recommendations

I confess that I am a bit of a science nerd. I LOVE the technical data that goes behind nervous system work. If you are that way inclined as well, here are a few reads that might interest you. They are more intensive deep dives into neuroplastic work and require some knowledge of the field to enjoy them to the fullest.

The Polyvagal Theory

Dr. Stephen Porges

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Pat Ogden with Janina Fisher

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

Dr. Robert Sapolsky

Internal Family Systems Therapy

Richard C. Schwartz and Martha Sweezy

  Self Help and Audiobook Recommendations

These are excellent to either purchase as a workbook or listen to on audio so that you can follow along with the self help suggestions, meditations or exercises. Quite a few of them are also available as digital book or audiobook loans through larger local libraries.

Book recommendations are updated periodically to include new materials

Free Stuff (Links)

I remember very well when I was just beginning to learn about illness, health and wellness, connections to past trauma, neuroplasticity, spiritual practice and how it all fits together. It was exciting, confusing, motivating, overwhelming, hopeful and challenging all at the same time! I understand that not everyone has the funds to pay for individual coaching or training. Or perhaps you are looking for ways to supplement what you are already doing. I am including links to some amazing free websites, articles, meditations, podcasts and spaces you can go to begin your journey even if you have only a few moments of energy and very limited funds to work with.

Dr. Eleanor Stein

Dr. Stein is THE expert on FM/ME/CFS/MCS and has a website filled with information about chronic illness. As a medical doctor/psychiatrist and an FM/ME/CFS patient herself, she really understands all the unique nuances of long term health issues. She offers live group sessions (that are informative, interactive and engaging) as well as she has written two books on strategies for living with chronic health conditions. Her blog offers insight into current research and she offers a free resources section with links to great stuff. She is the most knowledgeable person you will find and I highly recommend her website and anything that she offers.

Dr. Russell Kennedy

Dr. Russ has a website with a great deal of information focused on anxiety and other related chronic health issues. He has a podcast covering many different anxiety related topics that is entirely worth a listen. His perspective on anxiety changed my life! He has a unique blend as a medical doctor and neuroscientist as well as a long time anxiety sufferer himself. Even if anxiety is not your #1 issue, I found his ideas around fear, inner child work and re-connecting our minds and bodies to be interesting and super helpful for chronic health conditions. I highly recommend all of his materials.


Kristen Neff has free exercises, guided meditations, videos and self-compassion tests all available on her website. Her meditations are calming, trauma informed and focus on gentle acceptance, awareness and embodiment.

Irene Lyon

Although Irene does have several paid programs that can be a larger investment, she also offers a free “Essentials” course for those who want to get started with nervous system education. She has an excellent you tube channel with hundreds of free topical videos, Q&A’s, guest discussions and even some neurosensory exercises.

In Therapy

Alex Howard does an entire series of “In Therapy” sessions where you can watch him doing therapy sessions with actual clients. Alex has a calm and understanding manner and I find him easy to watch and listen to.

Insight Timer

Dr. Richard Schwartz, Kristen Neff and MANY more teachers have meditations available on this app that you can download free of charge.

***Please note that I am recommending these options solely from my own experience. I do not profit in any way from you using these websites or purchasing any paid products they may offer. Choose whatever options work best for you as you are the expert on your own health and always consult with a medical professional before starting anything new.