Trauma-informed, embodied PERSONAL COACHING for people with chronic illness

Are you barely surviving while living with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (FM/ME/CFS) or other chronic illness but you desperately want to thrive? I get it. I have been there. I can help you.

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I am passionate about teaching people the complexities of the nervous system, the role of trauma responses and the need for internal safety in a simple and easy to understand way. Working with the body, blending biology, neuroplasticity, physical and mental health, intuition, mindfulness and spiritual practice helps to create a space that is individualized and effective for your unique wellness journey.


Learn more about how Personal Coaching can help YOU.

My Letter to You

Hello, and thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website. I hope that as you browse around you will find plenty of information that will help you in your journey towards greater health and wellness.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and it can feel rather overwhelming as you begin to navigate the many aspects of complex conditions. There are a lot of things to consider; the role of biology in our genetic code, how trauma creates holding patterns in our internal structures, and how the nervous system can get stuck in maladaptive patterns. The very body, mind and spirit intercommunication we need for healing is often being blocked by high levels of stress response. The great news is that there are ways we can become more “friendly” with all the parts of ourselves, to help each space feel safer and more supported. Solid practices can gently guide our systems into new patterns of ease and simplicity and reconnect the mind, body and spirit’s natural interplay. When these things happen, our bodies know exactly what to do to heal, and we can redevelop our innate sense of curiosity, courage, compassion and joy in life. I know the road intimately, because I journeyed upon it myself.

In my work as a counsellor, I learned very quickly that no two people are exactly the same and no one thing can meet the needs of everyone. As a fellow traveller on the same path, I am in a unique position to help others. I understand what it is like to deal with chronic illness(es) from first-hand experience. For that reason, I feel like my approach is very much about connecting with you and your individual situation. I want you to know you are not alone and that it IS possible to see better days ahead.

Sending you all the supportive energy that I possibly can,


“Perhaps I am stronger than I think.”

-Thomas Merton


“She helped me with making practical steps toward realistic healthy choices to manage my CFS. She tells me why my brain works the way it does and puts it in practical, easy to understand language!”

Roxane B.